Friday, February 10, 2012

Why do Republicans keep telling Warren Buffet to "send a check"? Do they not get the point of his argument?

RepubliCons keep telling Warren Buffet is free to pay a higher percentage on his own.

The problem is, Warren Buffet alone cannot solve the growing debt problem and the budget deficit.

Warren Buffet was making the argument that the rich in this country should all should pay higher taxes to reduce the debt. Warren Buffet alone paying higher taxes will not make a dent in the debt.Why do Republicans keep telling Warren Buffet to "send a check"? Do they not get the point of his argument?
What do you call raising taxes on the rich?

Class Warfare.

What do you call reducing oil heating assistance for the poor, raising the retirement age in Social Security, gutting Medicare, and raising taxes on the poor?

A Debt Reduction Plan.
Equalist - since you realized this about Buffet - why don't you take the next logical step and realize that many of Obama's Cabinet also don't want to pay taxes. Just like the Republicans don't. Personally, I think they are all full of crap. Mid income Businessmen pay around 35 percent tax which is more than the very Rich Buffet type people. Personally, I think he is a nice guy and I respect him - but these people have the bit in their mouth they are not going to pay taxes because they forgot a Corporation is supposed to have more functions than just making a profit for their shareholders. They also used to exist for customer satisfaction, employ people so there would be people to buy their products. all kinds of rational things like that. Unfortunately - trade agreements and outsourcing destroyed any integrity there ever was.Why do Republicans keep telling Warren Buffet to "send a check"? Do they not get the point of his argument?
Because Warren Buffet is a hypocrite.

Buffet owes the IRS over a billion dollars. Maybe he should shut up and pay his own bills before telling everyone else to pay more.

What a putz.

Why does Obama have to raise taxes on the middle class and small businesses just to pay for the 4 trillion in debt he's accumulated?

If you really want to solve the debt problem, put a stop to Obama's insane spending.

I mean, who spends a billion dollars every time they go on vacation!! What a wasteful SOB. How dare he tell us to tighten our belts when he spends our money like water. He never has to spend his own money and brags about how much he makes. The man has no class at all.
"...Warren Buffet alone paying higher taxes will not make a dent in the debt..."

And neither would it have any effect if you took all the money of every single rich person in the USA. It would pay off the deficit for... oh, maybe, 6 months... if that.

Beating up on the rich is NOT the answer.Why do Republicans keep telling Warren Buffet to "send a check"? Do they not get the point of his argument?
There are also a few cases where people on welfare have turned their lives around and gotten off it. Most of them are against welfare. Why not just eliminate it based upon those who were successful getting off it? We could save a lot of money that way.

The key is stop the spending. Not more revenue.
Do you realize that if we took every penny from every billionaire in the country it wouldn't cover the deficit for just one year? Of course the second year they'd all be broke and we'd have to tap someone else.

The problem is spending, not taxes.
Pay more in taxes for the government to waste it.Borrow money to play Santa to other countries.Pay more for waste an fraud.Be the worlds policemen.It's not lack of taxes hurting this country it's the stupid spending that has been going on for decades.
Warren Buffet being a hypocrite does not help his argument; Berkshite-Hathaway has not paid taxes that it owes. If Buffet's company does not pay taxes already levied, what makes you think that he will pay his personal taxes?
No, they do not get it.

I actually heard one say the answer was to lower Buffet's secretary tax rate.

I guess if Republicans had their way, no one would pay taxes and they would all survive on corporate kick backs.
No, they certainly do not!

And they also forget that Warren Buffet is one of the biggest philanthropists this country has ever known.
Maybe Buffet could just send a check in the amount of the back taxes he currently owes (and is fighting in court against).
How could the,God is on there side.Maybe you do not remember the sermon on the mount when Jesus said the rich will inherit the earth.
Actually, we think all you brain dead fools on the left should send a check. We'll keep what we earned.
I keep waiting for them to tell him "If you love balanced budgets so much why don't you marry one!"
No, they really don't get his point. They think in simple terms.
If warren buffer sent in extra money for the debt, the republicans would grab it and send it back to the rich in tax cuts or start another war with it

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