DJ the constitution should always be an evolving document. Otherwise, you would not have the right to vote, own property or the have to right divorce. Yes, you as a female!! Not to mention the fact that there would still be slavery in this country. Taxes are meant to provide the services you and so many Americans take for granted. Fire, Police, our Armed Forces, not to mention disaster relief. Heaven forbid that no one is there for you to provide some of these basic svcs. Because you and Judy will be screaming the loudest and longest. Yes we did get tax cuts and we started how many wars? How do you expect to pay for those. A windfall from millionares who would never allow their children to serve in the Armed Svcs. I say bring back the draft and make everyone serve. Sorry, but we are not the richest (7th place) we are not even the smartest country in the world. We certianly are not the healthiest.
It is not you.
Since the early 80s, the Republicans have pushed an economic agenda based on what is referred to as "trickle down economics". The theory is that, if you give tax breaks to the rich and corporations they will have more cash to hire more people. The problem with this theory is, while it sounds good on paper, it has never worked in the real world.
Now, the wealthy in America have the lowest tax burden since 1950 and every time someone mentions raising taxes on the rich, the Republicans scream "class warfare". They tend to be very good at staying on message even when that message is flawed.
When tax rates on the rich are too low, like they are now, the economy stagnates as the rich tend to hoard their money and not spend it anyway.Why do the rich get tax cuts?
Those who have big chunks of money from whatever source usually have it working and invested where it creates jobs, employment and generates more money. Have you noticed that the government has a track record that really sucks when it comes to handling money? Today the national debt is touching 15 trillion dollars and the unfunded debt has every american taxpayer owing $ 1,025,000.00; if you kill all the people with money and give it to the government it will be gone a a weeks time and jobs and businesses with it. This is a question and event setup that has existed since some idiot invented money and put us to work slaving for it; and, the answer still eludes. us.
Quite simply, if you don't pay taxes, you can't get tax cuts. Something like 47% of households have zero or negative tax liability.
Also, as Judy points out, EVERYBODY got a tax cut with the Bush (and later Obama) tax cuts due to the new 10% tax bracket. But even THAT tax cut put more money in the pockets of the rich as well as the poor.
_Why do the rich get tax cuts?
over the years, Congress has provided many ways to reduce the tax burden on working folks, there was the IRA to begin with which allowed reduction of your gross income to make less taxable
then the EIC came into being which is probably the biggest benie to wage earners ever contrived, people with high incomes don't have a chance with this one
and just recently, again another benie, the Make Work Pay credit, which was out of reach for high earners
the high earners pay their share, they might have a lot more deductions and other ways to reduce their gross but they still pay big time
By what right do you believe that the government has the right to take money for people who earned it just because you believe that they can afford it? We are the riches country in the world, we give more to charity than any other nation in the world. But it is not the proper role of the government to force me to give them money because they believe I'm not spending it the correct way.
The proper role of government is set forth in the US Constitution, many politicians over step. If Warren Buffet thinks he is not paying enough, he is free to write a check %26amp; give it to the government.
I'll keep my money thank you, I earned it.
Everybody got tax cuts with the "Bush cuts" and most other cuts over the years - and actually, the bulk of the tax cuts went to people making $200K or less a year.
Because nobody but rich people pay taxes any more.
Half the country doesn't pay income tax. But they vote. Do you think they're going to vote for anyone who will make them pay into the system instead of taking out from the system?
The moment the voting population that doesn't pay income tax approached 50%, that was the beginning of the end.
Rich people make their money grow. Rich people buy things and hire other people to do things for them.
Take away money from the rich, and they won't buy things or hire people any more.
I'm not one of the "rich" the way the term is deceiptfully defined by certain demagogue politicians. I well under the "threshold." However, I'm not stupid and I've seen how these things work in real life.
When they say they're going to target "the rich," they always end up coming after you.
First $500,000 was "rich," then $250,000 was "rich," then $200,000 was "rich." Of course, the several-hundred-thousand-dollar figure is nothing more than a class-warfare slogan designed to rile up the unwashed masses who don't pay attention.
Same deceipt as the supposed Health Care Reform. Remember when everybody was supposed to pay into a big pool to lower costs? Anyone who is surprised the White House is handing out waivers to all their political buddies is just not paying attention. Same deal with whipping the crowd into a frenzy and marching on the "rich" person's home for a good lynching.
It repeats itself across the country every day. The crowds get whipped into a frenzy, attack the "rich," the evil rich close the plant where they work, they're out of a job, but they have the satisfaction of having followed their political leaders and attacked someone.
They can always count on their poor friends to create jobs for them.
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