Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conservative Christians: Why are you against gay pastors when you allow other kinds of "sinners" to pastor?

I'm just a little bit confused, because you stand against gay men becoming pastors, yet you have no problem with the tidal wave of immorality that gluttonous pastors are bringing to the Church.

The Bible speaks against gluttony FAR more often than it speaks against homosexuality, yet gluttonous pastors are in the pulpits of countless conservative Churches in this country. These pastors are open about their sin, even actively participating in it as they make weekly trips to such dark places as Home Town Buffet, Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral, etc. These pastors many times drag OTHER pastors into their sin, inviting them to lunch, to partake in the dark excess and rejoice in the rejection of God's Word.

Not only that, but the sick sins of the gluttonous pastor seep into the congregation, infecting the flock. These pastors are known to organize Church dinners wrought with abominations such as fried chicken, refined carbohydrates, wings and sugary desserts engineered by Satan himself to defile the people's bodies, their Temples of the Holy Spirit, expanding their waistlines, raising their cholesterol and in turn their medical bills, leaving them lethargic and weighed down with debt and poor health, leaving them MUCH less effective workers for the Kingdom.

So... why do you not speak out? Why do you allow this defilement to continue?Conservative Christians: Why are you against gay pastors when you allow other kinds of "sinners" to pastor?
Is not everyone a sinner? I would think that a Christian must strive to forgive all sins, just as God forgives our own.

Why should homosexuality prevent one from being a pastor if, as I have been told, no sin is greater than another?

In other words, I think you make a good point.

Much peace and blessings :)
It's pure homophobia! They should stop discriminating against gay and bisexual people who want to be priests. It's time they allowed gay priests!

Murder, stealing etc seems to be ok by these people but heaven forbid if somebody accepts themselves for who they are and comes out as gay, all hell breaks loose!

Homosexuality is not wrong, it's time everyone grew up and realised this.

good question btw....Conservative Christians: Why are you against gay pastors when you allow other kinds of "sinners" to pastor?
A. You assume we do not

B. Justifying one wrong by another is useless

C. Obfuscating the wrong of one by the proclaimation of the wrong of others is also useless

you are not making a point for, just many against

You should have asked the question without the gay mention....unless your goal was to do A B and C
Neither gluttons nor fornicators will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Gay is contained with-in the larger definition of fornication. Pastor or not pastor is not a significant qualification.Conservative Christians: Why are you against gay pastors when you allow other kinds of "sinners" to pastor?
The homosexual perversion (It is a perversion.) is not the model of a good loving family.
why so many defend sodomites?

it is a big and special sin can bring God's anger on any nation who open for sodomy

why we should put our selves in such risky situation?
An unrepentant, open homosexual is not a positive Christian role model. They are blind to truth and natural law. How can they proclaim the Gospel which is TRUTH incarnate?
Child molesters, adulterers, ect. yeah, this religion is really effed up.
We are only against gays being pastor if they have not repented.
Don't forget the ones who molest the children.
Not against gay pastors. :)
In the United Methodist Church a homosexual may be a pastor if they are not living that lifestyle. Only a self confessed, practicing homosexual can be removed from the ministry.

As for the subject of your question, I am well aware of my sin and struggle each day to remain in harmony with God's grace. So far, in his love, he has been gracious and merciful.

However, I am truly sorry that my sin so seriously offends you.

Pastor John
The difference is not the sin. Love the sinner, hate the sin. The point is, when the sin becomes the lifestyle choice of the pastor, they are not in a place to lead other Christians. That sin then defines the person, rather than simply a person committing a sin. We all sin at some point, of course. A man who is gluttonous, or say, obese, eats a lot This a sin. But it is not so much a lifestyle choice as it is a habit. Being gay is not a habit. Being a pedophile is also a lifestyle choice. Thus why pedophiles are not allowed to be pastors, either (theoretically, unless you're a priest...)

It is more the lack of repentance involved with leading this lifestyle. A gay man who is happily and openly gay is clearly not repentant of his lifestyle and is thus not fit to lead others Christians. A fit pastor is one who is repentant of all his sins, the ones he is aware of as well as the ones he is not.
How do you know that these pastors aren't praying for help with there problem. Someone that is gay is delibrately going against gods word. If they were asking for forgiveness they would be admitting that being gay was a sin. But, they won't do that. Ask any preacher that is over weight and I guarantee you they will tell you they know it is a sin to be overweight. There is a big difference in accepting that you are a sinner and denying that you are a sinner
@"Why are you against gay pastors when you allow other kinds of "sinners" to pastor?"


God does not allow Gay...but pastors.

They will have to 'strip off" the gay too before they can attempt to enter the 'kingdom."

God is no-respecter of persons.

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