Sunday, February 26, 2012

Did Britney get married again?

I have this cousin from Germany, who is 3 and a half, but looks like a giant, she has hair like ronald mcdonald, and she is the fattest toodler i have ever seen, i saw a pic of her a some other kids she look like a fricking teenager compared to them! When i first saw i thought she was boy, but she was a girl, in girl close. when she first got here, i first she did was eat, she opened oown frige, she ate, immdatly! I am not kidding, and she put nail polish on my barbies! that i had seen i was a kid! shehas a diese were she pees when she cries, and faints when she cries, she pees on walls, and she thinks she s baby but is as giant pig, she colored on th ewalls, and her mom blamed on my sis, and her husband said she was still hold *** th e marker( cuz) , we had to start food, but she always found, it, we grocey shoppinmg every day but it was gone! she stole my cookies, and she peed at a target in 3 isle! the puddles were the size of adult pees! all for a bike! her parents just left it!left it! what the heck! thats' soo gross! for one sec, my bro left his fruit punch in the car, 2 secs later that b*tch drank out of it! we went to quiznos, and she order 4 large subs, 8 chips and 9 large drinks! what a fat -as*, she even got seconds!!!! She sat on chair it broke 2 seconds later. we put own toes in a fountain, and she ended completely naked, ( including no underwear) and started danceing in the fountain! NAKED! We have a pillar in own house, she starts stripper dancing on it! touch her love handles! eww! she fits in my swimming suit! I am 12 years old!!!!!!!!!! I am skin,, i am normal, but the giant wore, it and in it was super tight on her!!!! that fat b!We went to mcdopanlds, she jumped over the counter, and ate all the food! $500 dollars welth of food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?she made my little sister cry sooo much! she'd cry for anything my little sis (2years old) had, i brought my sis a floating duck, that would keep her up in the water, that fat b*tch tried to squezee into it, and in popped!!!!!!!!! we went to old country buffet, and we said she was 3 years old, the lady laughed, then said please tell the truth, we said we were, and she said she let it slide. then 10 minute we were kicked b/c she ate all the food supply the had!!!!!!!!!! and she'd always faint and want people to care, no one cares anyone!!!!! when we went trick or treating, the people at the door, thought she was the adult taking us, when she got candy she'd eat right away, then she's poop rite front of a tree! gallons of spilled out! Galloons! it smelled so bad!@ oh god! when we went swimming a title wave smahed every one when she went in, when i made a sand castle the b smahed i hate her sosooooooooo much!!!!!! and when we went shopping she'd take my sister strool even when she was soo tried from walking , that fat ***** still sat there, and her mom used the other strol ffor her other daughter, bring your own ******* stroller! i ***** peed on my sister pooh! we had to get it dry cleaned, we have a baby swing, and the limit weight is 40 pounds, and she kept going on it , and eventually broke it w/ her lovehandles! the ******** swing cost 150!!!!!!!! if she saw my sister with something cool, she distract her with something else than take it! that stupid ******! we went it elevator and the maxium hold was 3000 pounds, we all walk it's only 750, the family of 7 people) that ****** clown face walks it goes bam, allthe way past 4000, going into 5000, we had to walk, but after, 30 steps clown face fainted from dehidytion!!!!!! that fat *****! we went to go see santa, and then Clown face, sat on his lap, 30 seconds later, an ambulence cam eto take him the hospital, due to her fattness! he almost died!!! when she farts it's like a earthquake just happened everything skanks! rumbs, includeing ground! it smells like the deadly poision! as you can she, me and my family hate her! you should too!!!!!!Did Britney get married again?
okaaaaay, somebody def did not have decaf this morning................
i didnt read it but NO!!!Did Britney get married again?
Brit may be planning another Vegas wedding. Only Planning, nothing official yet....
noDid Britney get married again?
No... infortunetley... Britney did not get married... it is true... trust I know because my Aunt Lydia works with Britney in rehab and all of that stuff... hope i could answer your question correctly and if i did... hope you use the inormation wisely!!! Bye and Merry Christmas!!!

Ho! Ho! Ho! ,

You'll Never Know!!!

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