Monday, February 20, 2012

Is socialism a much better idea than corporate fascism?

Why give our Tax dollars to the already rich, when the most honest of them have already said they aren't paying enough (Warren Buffet).

Instead we could be contributing to the poorest in society, who actually need some assistance, thereby benefiting the country as a whole.

Would you prefer to live in nationwide slum, interrupted only by the occasional gated community of the super-rich, or somewhere a little less divided?Is socialism a much better idea than corporate fascism?
Socialism, as I understand it, represents a politico-economic phase that immediately precedes the dissolution of the state apparatus. Economic decisions are made democratically through councils of industrial interest (traditionally, labor unions).

Corporatism (what you refer to as corporate fascism) is a politico-economic system in which all matters of individual liberty and choice are the assumed province of the state, which in a fascist system is not accountable to the people at all.

One scenario, though not perfect, represents less authoritarian control. The other scenario represents the epitome of authoritarian control.

So then, your question really is: is it better to be given a little more freedom over your life than you have now, or would you rather be ruled with an iron fist like a slave.

I am not a slave...that should answer your question.
Like night and day,socialism represents democracy and a fair distribution of resources,corporate fascism represents a dictatorship with a minority controlling the means of production their own benefitIs socialism a much better idea than corporate fascism?
Take a look at the European Countries and those that are/were socialist are trying to change their Governments. It DOES NOT WORK.

I for one want to see my Country stay as a democratic Republic, and I cherish my freedoms and liberties along with this Nation's sovereignty. NOTHING ELSE WILL DO.
yes. any day of the week. our societies have worked long and hard, if not somewhat slow, to move past the feudalism of our dark ages. the rise of the middle class is what brought balance to humanity. socialism is the natural evolution of that process.Is socialism a much better idea than corporate fascism?
both ideas are failures, but they're not opposites

fascism is much closer to socialism than anything on the far right end of the political spectrum

please look up the definition and application of fascism

free market economy is what we need to pursue
Socialism as practiced in the Scandinavian countries has them winning the best "Standard of Living" in the world contest!
That only teaches punishment for hard work.

So no, socialism isn't a good idea.
Only to a socialist. What your looking for is the redistribution

of wealth. Typical hand out artist. give me, give me, give me.
Yes, because in a socialist society, those who need care the most get it.
Yes Socialism is the wave of the future, that "greed is good" sh't isn't going to fly much longer.....
We need both but not to the degree we have now.
Better, but not by much.

We need something in the center...
Neither! Free Market is the way to go.

let the free markets work

Just look at the ratings of answers by the readers of this topic. It heavily weighs on the side of socialism vs. free markets. Americans, you are like innocent naive children playing with a very dangerous idea. I was born and lived in the Soviet Union for more than 20 years. MOST of you if presented with that opportunity would not have taken it.

Quote from an article:

In his 1982 book, "The spirit of democratic capitalism," Michael Novak noted that man who have lived under socialism would find it hard to believe "that other human beings would fall for the same bundle of lies, half-truths and distortions. Sadly, however, illusion is often sweeter to human taste than reality. The last Marxist in the world will probably be an American nun."

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism," said Norman Thomas, a U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate in the 1940s. "But under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialit nation, without knowing how it happened."

I understand why a person wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth when promised "entitlements" or income redistribution or care whether it is called liberalism, progressivism, socialism, marxism, communism or "change." We at least should know whether it is a gift horse or a Trojan horse, or a combination of the two.

End of quote.

If push comes to shove I would rather see a cleansing Civil War in the United States than a system that puts human spirit in a designated cell and takes away monetary reward for hard work .
If you think we live in a slum then you've never been anywhere else. I would rather have the corporate system than to be a slave to incompetent boobs in the government.
They are really the same thing. It's all socialism.

Love Jack
So move to a socialist country. Your problems will all be solved.

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