We're on the brink of a financial disaster in this country. 12 Banks have failed since the 1st of the year. Wall Street financial institutions crumble before our eyes. The FDIC has reserves of $50 Billion to cover $1 Trillion in insured deposits. Unemployment is up, wages are down, we've got a social security system about to implode but McCain says the economy's fundamentals are sound. (For the record the word "fundamentals" has never in the history of the English language been defined as American workers.)
Warren Buffet, widely acclaimed as one of the shrewdest investors on the planet backs Obama. What do the republicans know about these economic times that Buffet doesn't?Are any of you Republicans paying attention to Warren Buffet after we lost $500 million yesterday?
No - he uses words with too many syllables.
That makes him an elitist and they don't have to listen - Rush told them so.
And yet who controls congress? You got it....the Democrats! We've been going into the bowels of hell since they were elected. Are any of you Republicans paying attention to Warren Buffet after we lost $500 million yesterday?
If Jesus came down from the heavens and stood in line at the polls to vote Democrat - they would turn on him like hyenas.
They know that the current president and McSame will do everything to help the rich get richer even if it means destroying America to do so.Are any of you Republicans paying attention to Warren Buffet after we lost $500 million yesterday?
Buffet is rich and he backs Obama. So ,there are other rich people that back McCain.
The market is the market... today should be interesting. Woot Woot! YEeeHaaaa giddyup!!
I have all the respect in the world for Warren Buffet, but he is not entailed to all the data, as the President has. If the President and the chairman of the Fed says we are fine, then we really are. Don't believe the hype of the liberal media playing like this is the end of the US. Believe in the GOP and our country. The free market will correct itself and everything will be ok.
Warren Buffet, the man who has a solid gold toilet, also wants to raise MY taxes in this difficult financial time.
Thanks but no thanks.
Buffet is a stock Genius but knows nothing about how the government works.
I remember in 93 we had the same problem with Clinton. Check it out.
I listened to McCain this morning and he did not say what you wrote.
Stop acting like the World is ending.
Johnny above me...Buffett does not have a solid gold Toilet seat. i lived next door to him in Omaha. he lives like everyone else and is quite tight with his money.Same house for fifty years.
Buffet is not a shrewd investor. he said it is like a gamble.Do not spend unless you can afford to loose "I have lost way more than i have made over the years".
You are correct that Warren Buffet is very shrewd. I don't know the particulars of why he supports Obama. But I will say that he can afford Obama's increased taxes much better than I can.
Personally, I don't think the government getting into the middle of all of this is the answer. Our economy has had recessions before and we eventually come out of them. I disagree with your contention that unemployment is up. If you look very carefully at the ranks of the unemployed, you will notice that more often than not, some degree of shirking personal responsibility is involved. It isn't politically correct to point this out but it is true.
As for your contention regarding American Workers, well, if you can't beat them join them. If you choose to work in a warehouse all your life and don't like that life, then go get an education and work your way up the corporate ladder. And with the scholarship money and loans available to do so, I don't buy the argument that higher education isn't available to anybody and everybody in this country. People from humble means improve themselves this way all the time. Only the unmotivated don't.
Do you realize our fundamental economy numbers are still much better than other major markets. Like all of Europe and Japan. Buffet has been democrats from the beginning of this campaign.
As to essential fundamentals: Unemployment 6.1% , Job Creation -500,000,( individual worker productivity)and Inflation. Inflation at 5% is the only figure that is high and that is due to current energy prices.
And Donald Trump supports McCain. It is usual for our markets to make corrections and it is also usual for Democrats to spread fears and Republicans to spread hope and a plan for the future.
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