Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why is the top capitalist dude in the country, Warren Buffet, a liberal bros?

When he's not collecting billions as the top capitalist, do you think he then gets tanked up in that Margaritaville party town?Why is the top capitalist dude in the country, Warren Buffet, a liberal bros?
He's not. He talks it though. If he was a Liberal, he should lead be example and work as hard as he does, and only keep enough for basic needs.

He prospers under a system and then bashes it.
Maybe! :)

Seriously -- Buffet is neither particularly liberal or conservative politically, as far as I know. He seems to be a moderate. His "politically charged" statements (e.g. raise taxes on the rich) are based on doing what he does best: economic and investment analysis. And he bases his judgments on facts, not somebody's ideology -- right or left. he didn't get to be number one by substituting rhetoric and ideology for facts and analysis.

Tha being said, I'll grant taht, compared to teh Tea Party hi could be called a liberal. But you could say the same for Gengis Khan.Why is the top capitalist dude in the country, Warren Buffet, a liberal bros?
I know very little about him, but he really seems pretty cool. I mean, if I had billions of dollars to throw around, I'd do it too.

Recently he invested $5 billion in BAC which caused the stock price to rise. He was then able to sell that all and make millions. His huge investment manipulated the market enough so that he was able to ride the wave.
Idon't know what a "liberal bros" is, but Buffet is as big a hypocrite as Obama is. Buffet can preach raising taxes all day long, when he doesn't have to pay his own.Why is the top capitalist dude in the country, Warren Buffet, a liberal bros?
a liberal what?

Edit: Oh I get it, you're in character. Apparently Spicoli had no grammatical skills
Because he has a conscience.

He knows that one day we will ALL have to meet our Maker and we will all be accountable for all the things we said and did during our lifetimes.
because he can afford to be

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